Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

So it's been quite a while since my last blog. I don't really have a good excuse. Yesterday a co-worker asked me when I was going to get back to it. I hadn't really thought much about it, but last nite I started to wonder what had happened to make me stop blogging.

As I thought, it occurred to me what had been going on. Early last year I starting doing the "90 Day Through the Bible" reading program. I had successfully done it in 2006 and 2007, but for some reason last year I couldn't stay committed. I then started reading the 4 Gospels and really trying to focus on the teachings of Jesus. That lasted about 3 months until I grew weary of trying to understand John Calvin's commentary to the Gospel of John.

So since last May I have really not been committed to reading the Bible. I know that sounds terrible to say but it is true. It seems that over the past 7 months I have been in somewhat of a "spiritual desert". I have been adjusting to life in a new place without my friends and family. My wife and I have struggled to find a church home as well so the transition has been very difficult. I have felt very distant from God over these months and because of that I have not really had much to write about.

It seems to me that at times we all go through these "spiritual deserts". I pray about it but nothing really seems to change. So last week I decided to do the one thing that I know always brings me back closer to God-Read my Bible. So yesterday I embarked on the "90 Day" program my fourth time and lo and behold here I am blogging about it today.

It's good to be back in the saddle again.

1 comment:

dc said...

i remember years ago somebody whom i trusted very much telling me about various "desert experiences" of people in scripture. David had one, tending his father's sheep on the back side of the wilderness. that was just before the Lord annointed him king of Israel. Joseph got tramped across the desert, then got stuffed in prison before he was lifted up to provide for the nations in time of famine. Moses had one, then God showed up in a burning bush and appointed him deliverer of Israel. The entire nation of Israel even had one before they got busy conquering the promised land. Jesus had one too, 40 days and nights, no food, being tempted by Satan. that was just before he began his public ministry. my friend told me it is sometimes God's way to send his people through a "desert experience" before He leads them to the blessing of their ministry on the other side. so take heart. God knows what He's up to, and He's done this before. while you're reading through the Word this time, see if you can count the people God led into some time of solitary and lonely experiences before He launched them into significant life situations.